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Lost Equipment

Learn more about the crafting process and what to do if you believe that you've lost your equipment, items, or resources.


Scroll of Tales, Book of Prophecies, and Tome of Fate

Boost hero health and magic attack stats.


World / Cosmic Tremor and Trine

Improve hero intelligence, agility, and strength.


Apostle's Mace, Angel of Vengeance, and Archangel's Wrath

Level up hero physical attack and magic defense.


Trine, Selena's Sickle, and Morana's Glaive

Improve hero intelligence, agility, and strength.


Unity of Extremes and Ruler's Globus

Boost hero health and physical attack stats.


Other Items/Resources are Missing

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These gear items improve hero health and magic attack. They are complex items, so sometimes, their crafting may be confusing. Here is a guide that may help clarify the matter.


Scroll of Tales

To craft a Scroll of Tales, you need one Flaming Heart and two Pastor's Seals.


Book of Prophecies

To craft a Book of Prophecies, you need a Book of Prophecies — Recipe and two Scrolls of Tales (i.e., two Flaming Hearts or 40 Flaming Heart fragments and four Pastor's Seals or 80 Pastor's Seal fragments).


Tome of Fate

To craft a Tome of Fate, you need a Tome of Fate — Recipe and two Books of Prophecies (i.e., four Scrolls of Tales or, in other words, four Flaming Hearts or 80 Flaming Heart fragments and eight Pastor's Seals or 160 Pastor's Seal fragments).


Each of these items consists of 20 fragments that you get in Campaign missions. Thus, you need 20 Flaming Heart fragments to craft one Flaming Heart item.

Several heroes need these items for upgrading. Be careful when equipping an item and double-check if you are upgrading the desired hero.


These gear items improve hero physical attack and magic defense. They are complex items, so sometimes, their crafting may be confusing. Here is a guide that may help clarify the matter.


Apostle's Mace

To craft an Apostle's Mace, you need one Siren's Song and two Giant-Slayers.


Angel of Vengeance

To craft an Angel of Vengeance, you need an Angel of Vengeance — Recipe and two Apostle's Maces (i.e., two Siren's Songs and four Giant-Slayers).


Archangel's Wrath

To craft an Archangel's Wrath, you need an Archangel's Wrath — Recipe and two Angels of Vengeance (i.e., four Apostle's Maces or, in other words, four Siren's Songs and eight Giant-Slayers).


Each of these items consists of 20 fragments that you get in Campaign missions. Thus, you need 20 Giant-Slayer fragments to craft one Giant-Slayer item.

Several heroes need these items for upgrading. Be careful when equipping an item and double-check if you are upgrading the desired hero.

Unity globus

Unity of Extremes and Ruler's Globus improve hero health and physical attack. They are complex items, so sometimes, their crafting may be confusing. Here is a guide that may help clarify the matter.


Ruler's Globus

To craft a Ruler's Globus, you need two Alucard's Amulets and a Ruler's Globus — Recipe.


Unity of Extremes

To craft a Unity of Extremes, you need one Alucard's Amulet, one Ruler's Globus (i.e., two Alucard's Amulets and a Ruler's Globus — Recipe), and a Unity of Extremes — Recipe.


Several heroes need these items for upgrading. Be careful when equipping an item and double-check if you are upgrading the desired hero.


TrineWorld Tremor, and Cosmic Tremor improve hero intelligence, agility, and strength. They are complex items, so sometimes, their crafting may be confusing. Here is a guide that may help clarify the matter.



To craft a Trine, you need a Minotaur's Head, a Desert Blade, and a Hand of Glory


World Tremor

To craft a World Tremor, you need a Minotaur's Head, a Trine (i.e., a Minotaur's Head, a Desert Blade, and a Hand of Glory), and a World Tremor — Recipe.


Cosmic Tremor

To craft a Cosmic Tremor, you need two World Tremors (i.e., two Minotaur's Heads, two Trines, and two World Tremor — Recipes) and a Cosmic Tremor — Recipe.


Each of these items consists of 20 fragments that you get in Campaign missions. Thus, you need 20 Minotaur's Head fragments to craft one Minotaur's Head item.

Several heroes need these items for upgrading. Be careful when equipping an item and double-check if you are upgrading the desired hero.


These gear items improve hero intelligence, agility, and strength. They are complex items, so sometimes, their crafting may be confusing. Here is a guide that may help clarify the matter.



To craft a Trine, you need a Minotaur's Head, a Desert Blade, and a Hand of Glory


Selena's Sickle

​​​To craft a Selena's Sickle, you need a Desert Blade, a Trine (i.e., a Minotaur's Head, a Desert Blade, and a Hand of Glory), and a Selena's Sickle — Recipe.


Morana's Glaive

To craft a Morana's Glaive, you need two Selena's Sickles (i.e., two Desert Blades, two Trines, and two Selena's Sickle — Recipes) and a Morana's Glaive — Recipe.


Each of these items consists of 20 fragments that you get in Campaign missions. Thus, you need 20 Minotaur's Head fragments to craft one Minotaur's Head item.

Several heroes need these items for upgrading. Be careful when equipping an item and double-check if you are upgrading the desired hero.

Resources missing

Our system ensures that every in-game action is processed and validated by the game server. It guarantees that items don't disappear on their own and can't be lost. If an item is nowhere to be found, it means that it was either used, exchanged, or not there in the first place.

See Other Articles


Campaign is the main game mode in the game.

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