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General Information About Heroes

In the tutorial, you get basic heroes, e.g., Galahad, Astaroth, Thea, Phobos, and Aurora. You can obtain other heroes and their Soul Stones by opening the Heroic Chest, completing heroic missions, watching Boxy's videos, etc.

Heroes are automatically positioned on the battlefield based on their auto-attack range. You cannot manually adjust their positions.

Each hero belongs to a class. There are seven classes in the game:

1. Tanks have more health and are more resistant to damage than other roles. Tanks usually stand on the front lines to absorb more damage and protect their team members. Some of them have special skills that allow them to attract the opponent's attacks. The tanks are Aurora, Chabba, Mushy & Shroom, Luther, Julius, Corvus, Astaroth, Cleaver, Ziri, and Rufus.

2. Warriors specialize in dealing damage to the opponent in close combat. The warriors are Elmir, Yasmine, Galahad, Ishmael, Qing Mao, Tristan, K'arkh, Kayla, and Oya.

3. Marksmen deal physical damage from a distance. The marksmen are Isaac, Jhu, Dark Star, Artemis, Daredevil, Fox, Ginger, Astrid & Lucas, Keira, Dante, Lara Croft, and Cascade.

4. Mages deal magic damage from a distance. The mages are Kai, Mojo, Cornelius, Orion, Iris, Lilith, Lars, Xe'Sha, Heidi, Folio, and Satori.

5. Support heroes grant various bonuses to their allies: remove negative effects, give a shield, resurrect, etc. The support heroes are Alvanor, Fafnir, Helios, Sebastian, Jet, Nebula, Amira, Celeste, Krista, Soleil, Tempus, and Octavia.

6. Control heroes inflict control effects on the opponents to make them less effective. The control heroes are Phobos, Faceless, Arachne, Judge, Peppy, Lian, Jorgen, and Andvari.

7. Healers restore health to their allies during battles. The healers are Thea, Markus, Morrigan, Dorian, Aidan, Maya, and Martha.​

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Each hero in the game belongs to a specific faction. There are six factions in the game.​

Each faction has heroes with special skills. These abilities grant certain bonuses to all characters from the same faction. For example, Corvus and Morrigan belong to the Way of Eternity faction. Thus, their skills give a boost to the Way of Eternity heroes.

To view the faction of a hero in the game:

  1. Open Heroes.

  2. Tap the chosen hero.

  3. Go to the Stats tab.


You can find detailed information about a hero in their Stats tab. There you can learn about their background, position, main and secondary stats, and role. To open the Stats tab:

1. Tap the Heroes button.


2. Select the required hero.

3. Go to the Stats tab.

Stats Tab

Hero level determines a hero's strength. The maximum hero level is 120.


Starting from team level 30, hero level cap depends on your current team level and cannot be higher than it.

To gain hero experience:

  • complete Campaign missions using heroes you wish to upgrade;

  • use EXP potions.

You can buy EXP potions at the Town Shop or receive them by raiding missions.

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The higher the level, the more experience you need to raise it.


Each hero has four skills. You can manually activate only the first one. To do so, press the hero icon when it starts glowing and the energy bar is full.
The second, third, and fourth skills activate automatically according to their recharge period, i.e., cooldown time. It means you have to wait a certain amount of time before a hero can cast these skills again. You can learn the timings of skill casts by observing battles or by asking fellow players on our official Discord server.


The maximum level of the first and the second skills is 120, the third — 100, and the fourth — 80. To read the description of a skill, tap its name in the Skills tab.


To view the detailed skill description, go to Settings by pressing the gear button on the main game screen and switch the Complete Skill Info setting on.


To level up a skill, you need both Skill Points and gold. After you use Points, it takes time for them to restore: you get one Point every five minutes. You can get a maximum of 20 Skill Points this way.


If the Exchange Shop pops up when you try to level up a skill, it means that you do not have enough gold for a level-up.

To get more points, tap the plus icon next to the Points counter.

You can receive Skill Points by:

  • Watching a video ad every eight hours. For each video, you get 10 Skill Points for free.

  • Spending emeralds.

  • Purchasing one-time offers that contain Skill Points.

Each bundle also includes gold and speeds up Skill Point restoration by 3 Points per hour. Without these bundles, you get 12 Points per hour — one every five minutes. Each bundle adds three Points, so you will get 15 Points — one Point every 4 minutes. If you buy both bundles, the bonuses will stack, so you will get 18 Points per hour — one Point every 3:20 minutes.

The offer containing 250 Skill Points also permanently increases Points auto-refill capacity from 20 to 30 Points.

There is no limit to how many Skill Points you can get for watching videos or spending emeralds. Thus, you can have more than 20 Skill Points available at a time.


There are 16 ranks in the game: White, Green, Green +1, Blue, Blue +1, Blue +2, Violet, Violet +1, Violet +2, Violet +3, Orange, Orange +1, Orange +2, Orange +3, Orange +4, and Red.

When you level up a hero's rank, you unlock skills and Glyphs.


To upgrade your hero to the next rank, you need to collect and craft items. You gather items and their fragments by completing Campaign missions. The rarer the item, the lower its drop chance.


Some red items haven't been added to the game yet. You can see these items in the equipment list but cannot obtain them. Follow us on social media to stay tuned!

Rank and Equipment

Evolution increases the hero's main stats. To level up your hero's evolution, you need gold and Soul Stones. The number of Soul Stones required for an upgrade:

  • 1st star — 10 Soul Stones;

  • 2nd star — 20 Soul Stones (or 30 Soul Stones if you summon the hero for the first time);

  • 3rd star — 50 Soul Stones (or 80 Soul Stones if you summon the hero for the first time);

  • 4th star — 100 Soul Stones;

  • 5th star — 150 Soul Stones;

  • 6th star — 300 Soul Stones.


You can earn Soul Stones by:

  • completing heroic missions;

  • opening Heroic Chests;

  • completing event tasks;

  • watching Boxy videos;

  • getting as a part of a bundle;

  • buying in one of the game Shops.


Cleaver is one of the Heroic Chest's grand prizes; therefore, his drop rate is relatively low compared to other heroes. Once you get Cleaver, a message about it will appear in the server chat, and the Heroic Chest grand prize will change to either 50,000 Hero Soul Coins or one of the Skins+. Their drop chance is the same, and you can get either.

Star Rank and Soul Stones

Skins increase hero stats and change their appearance. Each hero has a Default skin that boosts their main characteristic: strength, agility, or intelligence. Additional skins upgrade secondary stats. To level up a skin, you need to use Skin Stones.

All skin bonuses stack no matter what skin is active at the moment. Equipping a skin only changes the appearance of a hero.

You can purchase skins with Skin Stones, buy them in the Skin Sale tab, or get them during special events. 



You can get some skins in the game only as a grand prize in the Outland. To get them, open Outland Chests. The skin drop chance is relatively low and the same for all players. It depends solely on luck, and the number of chests you open does not affect the result.

You can upgrade some skins even further, boosting their bonus by 100%. Such an upgrade is called Skin+. To level up a Skin+, you need to use Skin Stones.

You can distinguish a Skin+ from regular skins by a plus sign next to its name and a golden frame.

You can get a Skin+ only during special events. Developers may add other ways of getting these upgrades in the future.


To get a certain Skin+, you need to have both a hero and an original skin. If you do not have the respective hero or skin, the button in the event shop will remain inactive.

For example, to get Mushy and Shroom's Lunar Skin+, you need to have Mushy and Shroom and their Lunar skin.

The appearance of regular skins and their upgraded versions differs as well. For example:


Therefore, there are two appearance options in the Visuals tab. However, only one bar with the provided bonus stat is displayed in the Stats tab, as each skin boosts only one stat:


Every hero has five glyphs. Each glyph boosts main or secondary stats: strength, intelligence, agility, health, physical attack, magic attack, armor, magic defense, crit hit chance, dodge, magic penetration, and armor penetration.


You need to upgrade your hero's rank to unlock glyphs: the first two glyphs become available at the Blue rank, the third — at Violet, the fourth — at Violet +1, and the fifth — at Violet +2.

To level up a Glyph, you can use Rune Stones or emeralds.

You can get Rune Stones: 

  • By earning Guild activity points. Each Guild member gets a daily reward with Rune Stones. The reward is based on total Guild activity points earned during the day. It is sent to the in-game mail after your Guild reaches a threshold.

  • By completing daily quests "Earn 850/1500 Guild Activity points"․

  • By completing quests to enchant Glyphs in the Quests tab.

  • By completing Hero's Way tasks.

  • At VIP Shop.

  • At Grand Arena Shop.

  • From Heroic Chest.

  • By purchasing special offers.


Gift of the Elements allows you to upgrade three main stats of a hero. You can improve it with gold and Sparks of Power that you get for upgrading titans. At the maximum level, Gift of the Elements grants 720 bonus points to the hero's primary stat and 360 points to the other two stats.

Gift of the Elements

See Other Articles

Hero Stats

Learn about main and secondary hero stats in this article.

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